Category: Architect
When we buy a piece of land, a local or a house to renovate we get the illusion of creating, designing and having as soon as possible the idea we have become a reality. This is one of the most exciting processes and although somewhat stressful if not well managed, lasting forever. For this reason, today we wanted to dedicate this article to the house design and plansWe are not sure what types of house plans are available and how to interpret them, since most of our clients come to us without knowing what types exist and how to interpret them.
Today we will see everything about the floor plan of a house.
The plan of a house is a guide, a graphic representation of what will be the future work that is thought to be done. This does not mean that only one plan will be used, but that each work will need a specific amount of plans and obviously the bigger it is, the more plans it will need.
In addition to understanding what a floor plan is, we want to emphasize the great usefulness of house plans, since thanks to them we will be able to illustrate the distribution, measurements and also the structures that the property will have once it goes from paper to reality. Therefore, if you want to build your project, it is essential that you request architectural models before starting the construction.
This point is very important because the design and house plans must be done by a professional, for example a technical engineer, an architect or a technical architect. In Ojínaga Barcelona we have been making house plans and architectural services for more than 70 years and also implementing new techniques that bring us closer to where we are needed, with the best 3d house designer in the market.
We know that the first time you look at a house plan it seems crazy and it only looks like lines, squares and numbers ... but today we would like to explain how to read them in a simple way even if it seems complicated, think that it is essential if we want our new construction project or reform to go well.
Understanding them will allow the level of precision and detail to be extremely high and what we see on paper will be the new tangible project. In our world there is no room for improvisation!
When it comes to house design and floor plans, these would be the main elements:
1- Definition of the zones of the dwelling / premises.
2- The characteristics of the equipment and the development of the construction.
3- Common use components such as furniture, beds and other elements.
In addition to these main elements, the floor plan of a house includes other important information:
- Owner's name
- Title of the work and its metric scale
- Location of the work
- Name of responsible architect
- The table of surfaces. It is not the same to make the plan of a house of one floor that of 3, which will be indicated the number of square meters per floor.
- Allowable square meters
- Lastly, the approving signature and the license number of the person in charge of the work.
We have 3 types where we see:
The Preliminary Project
Where we see the initial outlines and it is the first thing that the architect will present to you, including the measurements and the metric scale.
The basic project
Structural details.
Execution project
This type of architectural plan is made once the previous ones have been approved and consists of official information to apply for the building permit.
We want to give more importance to this last one because it groups all the plans of the house, as a guide for its construction. They would be these 11:
1- Architectural floor plans ranging from architectural floors (warehouse, boiler room...) to those above street level (dining room, entrances, bathrooms, corridors, balconies...).
2- Covered plans with all the information about openings, inclination angles and the maximum height that the house could have.
3- Section plan that thanks to the longitudinal cut we could see perfectly the distribution of the interior of the house, levels, spaces and structural details in general.
4- Facade plan that includes the most important facades and also the secondary ones. In this plan you will find the height of the floors, roofs, doors, chimneys if any, walls, windows and the house.
5- Structural plan with the materials to be used with all its details.
6- Plumbing plans with the water installations, pipes and stopcocks, of course with all their measurements.
7- Sanitation plans showing the layout of the wastewater sewerage system (sections, pipe diameters, stopcocks, dimensions of drains, toilets, etc.).
8- Plans of services such as gas, telephone and internet services.
9- Drawing of the total electrical system including conductors, location of electrical cables, meters, sockets, switches,
10- Lighting plan where we will see the location of the lighting areas and in general the lighting projects foreseen.
11- Plans of the heating system foreseen for that house (underfloor heating, hot and cold water column, distribution manifolds...).
The numerical scale symbolizes the relationship between the value of the representation (the number to the left of the ":" symbol) and the value of reality (the number to the right of the ":" symbol).
As a general rule, the scales most commonly used in house plans are 1:50 and 1:100, basically because they are easier to read.
The first one, i.e. the 1:50 scale, indicates that all the measures of the plan are 50 times smaller than the real measure. In the scale 1:100, what is drawn would be 100 times less than the real measurement. To make it even better understood, if in the plan it is 1 cm, in the real work it is equivalent to 1m.
If you keep the following in mind, it will be easier for you to understand or begin to understand the architectural plans and layouts of a house.
- For doors, note that they are represented by two thin lines specifying the direction of opening.
- The stairs, to understand whether they go up or down, are represented by an arrow indicating the direction.
- The windows are drawn by 2 thin lines and will specify where the glass is placed and whether they go inside or outside the house.
- If you see dark-colored walls, indicate where the house will be cut horizontally to draw the floor.
- Do not mess with the thicknesses, colors and dimensions of the lines since each thing means something specific and you will have to ask the professional.
As you can see, house design and house plans are extremely necessary to achieve a correct execution on site. Whether they are large 3d house plans, l-shaped house plans, one-story or 5-story plans, they have to be made by a technical engineer, an architect or a technical architect. This is because they must be safe and accurate.
If you need more information related to architecture and construction fill out the form below and we will help you in any way we can.